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Visitor Visa – Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)

In this case, we successfully assisted our client (H. Leung) in overturning a decision made by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (“DIBP”) to refuse to grant the visa applicant (J. Wu) a subclass 600 Visitor visa.

Student Visa – Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)

We successfully assisted our client D. Jin in overturning a decision made by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to refuse his application for a further subclass 572 Vocational Education Student visa.


One question which executors (or estate administrators) find quite challenging is: What action can be taken concerning a debt owed to the estate by a beneficiary of the estate?

Visitor Visa – Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)

In this case, we successfully assisted our client (H. Leung) in overturning a decision made by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (“DIBP”) to refuse to grant the visa applicant (J. Wu) a subclass 600 Visitor visa.

Student Visa – Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)

We successfully assisted our client D. Jin in overturning a decision made by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to refuse his application for a further subclass 572 Vocational Education Student visa.


One question which executors (or estate administrators) find quite challenging is: What action can be taken concerning a debt owed to the estate by a beneficiary of the estate?